Sites I RAVE *Productivity


MyStudentBook -Simple infrastructure that allows you to keep track of your exams and assignments.

Blogspot -Google Blogs (free)

Megaskipper -skip Megavideo, VideoBB time limits.

Youtube-mp3 & -sites that convert youtube audio to Mp3

•If you are watching all of a users videos and suddenly come across the troll "must be 18+" then delete the first part of the url which says something about verify age, then before youtube put "endless." (eg;


fixed: (you must do this yourself as the link changes)

tada! :) no more troll Youtube!

Portable Apps - Free programs for your flashdrive! FREE PHOTOSHOP HELLO

Howcast -get How to videos on ANYTHING. How to take a shower, how to tie your shoes, how to set up a printer, anything!

HowStuffWorks -very well written articles on just about anything. This here is no Wikipedia! follow their interesting podcasts on Itunes.

GetHuman -The fast way to talk to a real human on the phone! Avoid the long maze of phone answering systems.

ScribbleMaps -draw on Google Maps

LMGTFY- Let Me Google That for You is a fun way to send a Google search to lazy people.

PrintWhatYouLike - Save money by printing only what you really wanted in the first place! Ads

AnyWho -the best people and number finder

EOL -Encyclopedia of Life finds all animals and plant species information. They also have a podcast you should follow with Itunes.

Project VoteSmart -the voter's way to find all information about a candidate.

Mathway -solves math problems like rationalize, simplify, crazy Algebra 2 things. Good for online math courses solving problems

Occupational Outlook Handbook -Bureau of Labor Statistics' handbook on all jobs. (Use search tool)

WorldCat -Search all the libraries in your area for the item you are looking for!

AllofCraigs -I don't know what you could possibly need to search every city's Craigslist for, but here ya go...

Alphabetizer -Alphabetizes any list! No upload, copy/paste :) -Looking for a program SIMILAR to the one you've got or want? Is that one broken or has a slight feature you dislike? Is that one expensive and you want a FREE one? Search here!

SimilarSites -Looking for sites like the one you're on? Also a nice chrome extension for fast and easy site location!

The True Cost of Driving -So how much per mile does your car cost YOU?

Carfax -get all the previous facts about the used car you will be buying